UCR Academic Personnel Data Analyses
Equity Studies and UCR Retention
Current Reports
1) Examining Potential for Bias in Written Comments of Student Evaluations of Teaching (pdf)
While bias in numerical scores of student evaluations of teaching is well documented, there has been less attention given to the potential bias in written comments corresponding to open-ended questions in the evaluations. We examine written comments from students at the University of California – Riverside and the University of California – Santa Cruz, analyzing them by gender and ethnicity and controlling for tenure status and the type of course (STEM versus not STEM). Results demonstrate that there are combinations of the factors that show advantages for receiving a higher proportion of positive comments, but no evidence showing that the advantages skew in a consistent direction with respect to gender or race alone. In addition, the two campuses differ with respect to the combinations of factors that show advantages, with notable differences for male instructors of color at Santa Cruz. Considering the large literature on bias in numerical scores of student evaluations of teaching, our findings suggest that the written comments may be more appropriate for use in the evaluations of instructors than quantitative questions.
2) AY23-24 Senate Faculty Merit and Promotions Year in Review (pdf)
This analysis reviews the Senate faculty M/P actions for AY23-24 including: 1) file throughput with comparisons to previous years, 2) agreement rate analyses between the various review bodies, and 3) equity in outcomes with respect to gender and ethnicity.
3) 2024-2025 Faculty Salary Equity Study (pdf)
This report describes the analysis of salary data of Senate ladder-rank faculty from AY23-24 at UCR. The analysis was used to arrive at the AY24-25 salary equity program that is also described in the report.
4) 2023 APO Study of Usage of Stop-the-Clocks at UCR (pdf)
This report evaluates the usage of STCs by the Assistant Professor faculty at UCR who were here in the Fall of 2023. The report compares usage across gender and ethnicity groups.
5) 2023 APO Study of the Associate/Divisional Dean Appointment Process and Compensation Packages (pdf)
This report provides guidance on the appointment process of Associate/Divisional Deans and includes a sketch of the current compensation packages on the campus.
6) Hiring of Senate Faculty at UCR for AY17-18 thru AY22-23 (pdf)
This analysis shows the number of Senate faculty hires in the colleges/schools during the 5-year period leading up to Fall 2023. The analysis shows gains made from various efforts across the campus to diversify our faculty.
7) 2023 APO Study of Senate Faculty Progression Rate (pdf)
This analysis looks at the time needed by faculty to advance through the step and rank structure. It compares time at rank and step across gender and across ethnicity. The analysis includes comparisons of absolute time at rank and step, time at rank step relative to normative time, and time to reach the next major career milestone (promotion to associate, promotion to full, and advancement to VI).
8) AY22-23 UCR Department Chair Equity Study (pdf)
This report summarizes a statistical clustering analysis that was used to group departments within colleges with respect to workload metrics. Colleges included in the study were BCOE, CNAS, and CHASS, since the professional degree schools have single departments whose chair is also an associate dean. The objective of the study was to identify departments that are similar to each other and then compare, for equity, the compensation metrics of chairs in similar departments.
9) Data Analyses for AY22-23 Senate Faculty Salaries (pdf)
AY22-23 Senate faculty salaries are compared with respect to gender and ethnicity by matching faculty with respect to department, rank, and step.
Previous Reports
1) AY22-23 Senate Faculty Merit and Promotions Year in Review (pdf)
This analysis reviews the Senate faculty M/P actions for AY22-23 including: 1) file throughput with comparisons to previous years, 2) agreement rate analyses between the various review bodies, (3) Equity in outcomes with respect to gender and ethnicity, 4) Comparison of colleges with respect to tendencies for higher actions/placements, 5) An analysis of negative reasons memos that accompany all announcements where one or more actions was denied, and 6) An analysis of deferrals by gender and ethnicity.
2) 2022‐2023 Faculty Salary Equity Study (pdf)
This report analyzes salary data of ladder-rank faculty from AY21-22 at UCR. The data analyses examine equity in faculty salaries by gender and ethnicity. The report also includes a description of the 2022‐2023AY UCR salary equity program.
3) AY21-22 Senate Faculty Merit and Promotions Year in Review (pdf)
These analyses look into a variety of metrics including: 1) the rate at which file reviews were completed, 2) equity in outcomes across gender and ethnicity groups, 3) agreement rates between the review bodies of department, dean, CAP, VPAP, and PEVC, 4) tendencies for colleges/schools to consider new off-scale and multi-step placements, and 5) comparison of deferral rates between genders.
4) 2018-2019AY Faculty Salary Equity Study (pdf)
This report analyzes salary data of ladder-rank faculty from AY13-14 at UCR. The data analyses examine equity in faculty salaries by gender and ethnicity.
5) 2020-2021AY Agreement Analysis Merits and Promotions (M/P) (11/10/21) (pdf)
A summary of the concordance in M/P recommendations between the department, the dean, and CAP with respect to the outcome. Appraisal and Reappointment reviews are excluded. An M/P review can have multiple recommendations associated with it. For example, a review might consider both a merit advance and new O/S.
6) 2022 Gender Comparison of Merit and Promotion Outcomes AY17-18 thru AY20-21 (4/25/22) (pdf)
This report analyzes a four-year window (AY17-18 thru AY20-21) of Merit and Promotion (M/P) actions at UCR. The data analyses examine successful outcomes with respect to Female versus Male faculty.
7) 2022 Three Group Ethnicity Comparison of Merit and Promotion Outcomes AY17-18 thru AY20-21 (4/25/22) (pdf)
This report analyzes a four-year window (AY17-18 thru AY20-21) of Merit and Promotion (M/P) actions at UCR. The data analyses examine successful outcomes with respect to ethnicity.
8) 2022 Six Group Ethnicity Comparison of Merit and Promotion Outcomes AY17-18 thru AY20-21 (4/25/22) (pdf)
This report analyzes a four-year window (AY17-18 thru AY20-21) of Merit and Promotion (M/P) actions at UCR. The data analyses examine successful outcomes with respect to ethnicity.
9) 2021 Comparison of Above Scale Increases AY17-18 through AY19-20 (02/10/21) (pdf)
This report analyzes a four-year window (AY17-18 thru AY20-21) of Merit and Promotion (M/P) actions at UCR. The data analyses examine successful outcomes with respect to ethnicity.
10) 2014 Faculty Salary Equity Study (pdf)
This report analyzes salary data of ladder-rank faculty from AY10-11 at UCR. The data analyses examine equity in faculty salaries by gender and ethnicity.
11) AY21-22 Survey of Bylaw 55 Voting Patterns of UCR Departments (pdf)
Summary of an APO survey conducted in Fall 2021 to ascertain the types and frequencies of patterns utilized for extending department voting rights on merits via Bylaw 55.
UCR Retention
UCR partners with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) to administer the Faculty and Retention and Exit Survey. COACHE is a research-practice partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. COACHE partners with academic leaders at more than 250 colleges, universities and community colleges and studies the work lives of faculty with a focus on actionable data to support academic administrators. Studies are conducted in partnership with college and university leaders with an emphasis on using the data collected to improve the academic workplace.
1) COACHE UCR Faculty Retention Exit Survey Quantitative Report (16-17, 17-18, 18-19) (pdf)
2) COACHE UCR Faculty Retention Exit Survey Quantitative Report (19-20, 20-21) (pdf)