UC and Campus Organization
University of California Organization Chart (link)
University of California Riverside Organization Chart (link)
University of California Office of the President (UCOP) (link)
Office of the Chancellor (link)
Office of the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor (PEVC) (link)
Our Partners
The Academic Personnel Office (APO) works with various units on campus to help achieve our shared goals. Together we develop resources, deliver programs, and provide services and support to our academic community.
As the Central Office, APO provides leadership, guidance, and oversight for all academic personnel matters to our valuable partners.
For a list of Academic Personnel Directors for the colleges/schools, click on this link (pdf).
Some of these campus partners include:
Academic Senate Office (link)
Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) (link)
Child Development Center (CDC) (link)
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) (link)
College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) (link)
Equal Employment and Affirmative Action (EEAA) (link)
School of Education (SoE) (link)
Graduate Division (link)
Human Resources (link)
Information Technology Solutions (link)
International Students and Scholars Office (link)
Office of the Ombuds (link)
Office of Administrative Resolution (link)
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (link)
Office of Employee and Labor Relations (link)
Office of Financial Planning and Analysis (link)
Office Research and Economic Development (RED) (link)
School of Business (link)
School of Medicine (SoM) (link)
School of Public Policy (SPP) (link)
Shared Services Centers (link)
Summer Sessions (link)
UCPath Center (link)
Undergraduate Education (link)
University Extension (UNEX) (link)
University Library (link)
Office of Legal Affairs (link)