
APO Highlights — Winter 21-22

Katina Napper, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


The Academic Leadership Series was launched in the summer and was a great success!
APO partnered with UCR’s Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, Mariam Lam, and Director of Employee and Organizational Development /Deputy Human Resources Officer Lela Dennis. We also enlisted experts across campus. The purpose of the series is to provide interactive sessions on topics that are important to and requested by Academic Leaders. The first four sessions focused on Department Chairs, and the topics were Departmental Operations, Effective Communication, Resolving Conflict, and Leadership. We are now looking to provide recordings of past session topics as well as new focused topical sessions each academic year.

Some feedback received from Dept. Chairs who attended the Academic Leadership Series…

“Informative and Great Discussions”
“Valuable sessions for New Chairs”
“It was super to get to know other Chairs”
“Hearing what works and what doesn’t from experienced Chairs was very helpful”
“It was Terrific. Look forward to future sessions”